Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I had my first of my weekly doctor's appointments today. HOW COOL!

Connor's Weight: appx 6lbs
Measuring at: 36 wks 4 days (though I am 35 wks 6 days)

Dilation: 1 Centimeter
Effacement: 50%

Head has dropped slightly.

Speaking of head, THE CHOROID PLEXUS CYST IS COMPLETELY GONE!!! It was still nagging me these past months and I am beyond thrilled to know that it completely dissolved and was truly nothing to worry about! The Lord is Good!!

I will officially be walking in the Hospital doors at 6:00pm Oct. 10 and Connor will be here sometime during Oct. 11.

I've been really sore for the past month at the top of my belly, to the right, a little below my ribs. This has been a pretty consistant pain, and I tend to press my right hand against the bulge to alleviate the's become such a habit. Today the sonogram showed, very clearly, that he likes to rest his foot flat up against that exact spot. No wonder it hurts, I've had a foot jammed up against me trying to poke it's way out! Well little boy...that little foot can stretch all it wants in about 17 days. Did I just say 17 days? It'll be here before we know it! We are so stinkin excited! Of course there is a little trepidation and fear of the unknown, but we have been looking forward to this, and planning for this that the joy that spreads over us supercedes any of the hesitation.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

What a verse to really claim for our little family right now for so many reasons!


  1. So excited!! October 10th will be here before we know it. Enjoy these last weeks of having Connor be a part of you and that you can take him everywhere without being disruptive! Now we can count the days instead of weeks!!

  2. Such a great post! Great news though and at least you know where the pain was coming from... Oh kids! LoL
    Days!?.. So exciting! Love you guys! =)
