Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fun February

WOW!!!! What a month!!! It truly was a fun filled February! I could have truthfully done this in multiple posts but there has been absolutely no time for that, we're too busy! Ha! 

At the beginning of the month, Uncle Casey flew down and we did a family trip to Disney World! It's so nice that even though he is so far away, he still gets to come home. Connor can never keep his excitement hidden whenever he knows he's going to see him. Between Aunt Kaitlyn and Uncle Casey, the boys have truly got it made. 

We started the first day at Magic Kingdom and got a silhouette made of the boys while we watched the new parade. The parade is awesome! We usually go on rides while the droves are watching the floats because the lines are usually down, but this was worth it. I was impressed!

For dinner we headed over to Epcot to the Coral Reef Restaurant. Great atmosphere, yummy food, and Connor had a blast looking for all of the fish in the tanks. The sharks are always worth the "ooohs" and "aaaaahhhhs". 

We spent Sunday at Hollywood Studios where the sorcerer's hat is being dismantled and the crowds were sparse. Connor is really getting a hang of the big kid rides and actually asks to go on them multiple times. Hands up all the way!!!! We ate at the Sci-Fi Cafe and it was a first for most of the family. It's always fun to do something new!

My kissable cuties! I cannot get over the absolute adoration these two have for each other. Caleb watches everywhere Connor goes, and Connor keeps referring to him as "his baby". Those are the moments when I know we're doing something right! There is no competition for love. They both get it equally, and they are both secure in where they fit in our family. No need for jealousy or trying to one up the other. That will not be tolerated and I am happy to report we have not gotten one ounce of jealousy from Connor. 

 We spent President's Day with the alligators and picking strawberries. We drove down to Anhinga Trail and walked the boardwalks and looked at the wildlife. On the way back we stopped at Knauss but the strawberry fields weren't open so we hopped back in the car and went to Burr's. It was so nice to try something different and Connor even walked away with a free chocolate covered strawberry. That kid can charm anyone!

Caleb Guise turned 4 months old this past week and I cannot get over how big he is! He measured 26 inches long and 14 pounds 4 ounces. Just like Connor he's in the 90th percentile for height and 25-50th percentile for weight. The doctor said we need to start giving him real solids and not just rice cereal. She wants him to have the calories and suggested fruits and vegetables. We attempted just some thick rice cereal and I'm not sure he actually swallowed any. It ended up everywhere! Messiest eater----ever. He did cut his first tooth at 4 months 2 days, and I'm already not looking forward to his first bite. I'm scared really. He's drooling up a storm but he's still the most smiley baby around. He lights up a room for sure, and I can take him anywhere!!!

 A month full of memories. I don't take for granted that Grandma Glenda brings them to lunch with me every day. It fills my cup and gets me through the day. I get to hear about Connor's morning at school, and I get snuggles with the baby. I am beyond exhausted, and sleep is still elusive, but I'll sleep when they're teenagers. Right now we're going to enjoy each moment, live life to it's fullest, and enjoy the crazy mess.

On the very last day of February Connor ran with Daddy in his first 5k. But I'm going to let Daddy tell you about that!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Caleb's Dedication at Church

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

 Such a special day. A defining day. Today was the day we publicly stood in front of our church and dedicated Caleb. It is our promise to raise him and guide him to know the Lord and follow Him. That we will set the standards of our family firmly in scripture and we are allowing ourselves to be held accountable by the church.

To add to how special today was, we stood on stage with the other members of our neighborhood group who each had a little baby to dedicate as well.

By the time Pastor Thompson got to us I was crying. Caleb on the other hand charmed the socks off everyone, smiling happily while the pastor spoke to him and prayed over him.

Great Grandma and Grandpa Guise were able to be there today too and it was nice to be together on this special day. Uncle Casey got to watch from Virginia on his computer and was there with us in spirit.

 What a day! What a special little boy. I pray for Connor and Caleb's salvation daily. I know the huge responsibility Tim and I hold in raising them. I just want to do our very best!