Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Final Hours

Hello 4:30am! Here Tim and I are sitting in my Labor and Delivery room anxiously awaiting the arrival of little Connor. I had shown some progress when I came in last night, as in 3 Cm Dilated and 80% effaced but that was not enough for them to start the event. So after our loved ones left Tim and I bunkered down for a very restless night's sleep. I don't think I slept more than 30 consecutive minutes. Part of it was from the anticipation, part of it was the nurse coming in to check my vitals, and the final part was my consistent contractions plaguing me throughout the night. I must IV really doesn't feel very good. I feel like I can barely use my left hand. I can't eat anything except for ice chips and I'm really craving breakfast right now. This tummy is not only contracting but it's also growling! They started my pitocin at 5:00am and I should be on a role now. Hopefully things progress at a continual pace. Casey flew in yesterday afternoon and will be leaving this evening and we are really hoping Connor makes his arrival in time for Casey to meet him. Dad is also here, and he did a very good job documenting our arrival to the hospital with his video camera. Every Sunday night my family does "Family Night" and we were true to form even here. We all sat around my delivery room and talked and watched our regular Sunday evening TV shows. There was something so normal about it in such an un-normal setting for us. 10/10/10 came and went and it looks like our little boy will be coming on 10/11/10 which is already such a beautiful fall day. The news is telling us it's 71 degrees outside, though our room right now is possibly cooler. Everyone seems to think it's chilly in here, but I feel great. No sweating for me right now!!

Tim and I were able to walk out of the house yesterday evening hand in hand. We took one more look around our home and knew that life would never be the same. The next time we walk through our front door we will have a wonderful new addition to our household. There is always a slight fear of the unknown, but I know Connor will be such a blessing in our lives. We have been praying for him for so long now, I'm just ready to meet him!

1 comment:

  1. AAWWW, Kristin and Tim, I am so happy for you guys. I thought about you guys all day yesterday and today and have been praying for a safe delivery. You guys will be great parents! Can't wait to see pics of Connor!!! : )
