Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Days are Here Again

I have had some wonderful afternoons of playtime with my sweet little Connor. I think the erythromycin is helping my little boy. Excluding yesterday I've had 2 incredible days with him. He's been happy, he's been settled, and he's been like a "normal" little baby. I just love his personality! Granted the medicine does make him extremely gassy and he can wake up screaming from pain in the middle of the night, but he's had wonderful times of waking. His gas was extreme yesterday so it was another bad day, but having had the brief experience with him the previous 2 days gave me such hope that it made me feel like I could go through anything to get him back to that! My Christmas wish is to have more times of good than bad! I'm hoping today is a good day. Next week we have 3 doctor's appointments for him one includes x-rays and a swallow test. I'm expecting this to give us the answers we need. Please pray that we can figure out the best way to treat Connor so that he is in no more pain and can function like the sweet little baby he is.

Christmas time is in the air and I love that this year we have the most amazing gift anyone could ask for. I decided to take some pictures of him under our's symbolic! Tim put up all of our lights outside this past weekend, and we truly have a winter wonderland complete with a cold front. Connor isn't a huge fan of the cold, and hates when his little hands get chilled. If he's upset checking his hands is on my list of things to figure out how to soothe him.

Connor is now going to be the newest thespian in my family because he's been asked to play baby Jesus in the First Baptist of Ft. Lauderdale Christmas Pageant. At first I was a little hesitant thinking he may cry the entire time, but they seem to think that's authentic and are fine with it. He starts this coming weekend, I'm thinking he'll be a natural! I'll let you know if he wins a Tony for his role.

Here is our precious little gift.

1 comment:

  1. He is such a precious gift! Its so good that he is starting to get better and that you can see that light at the end of the tunnel ;)
