Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Shorter Countdown

Tomorrow marks 30 weeks. This weekend signifies 2 months left. The tightness in my belly informs me that I will be meeting little Connor very shortly. Is summer really over? Am I really going back to school? How did it all go by so quickly? I am in awe that very soon I will be holding my precious little baby.

One thing that makes it even more real is the anticipation of Connor's upcoming Baby Shower. (Am I really at that stage in my life? How incredible.) I'm looking forward to seeing all of my loved ones and having some relaxing and fun girl time. My biggest struggle recently has been staying away from peeking at my registries. Why is that such a pull? It is such a temptation, and I really do want to be surprised, but every once in a while I feel a tug to go and wander around on those particular websites. I think I've been a pretty good girl about it though. I'm excited to see who purchased what, and be able to think about that person when we use that gift. I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends and family who are so giving and thoughtful.

Another big temptation happens at mom's house. I know there are all sorts of surprises tucked in corners of certain rooms and I so desperately want to go on a treasure hunt. Yes, I was one of those children who enjoyed shaking the wrapped presents under the Christmas tree and trying to guess what everything was. Somehow I would beg enough and we would be allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve, just to satisfy my intense curiosity. As I have grown up, I now enjoy the thrill of the surprise more than the guessing game I used to play, and I've done well to stay put in the living room at mom's house so as not to stumble upon all the goodies. Right now, I'm super excited to see the bedding mom has made for Connor's Crib. I got to participate in the picking of the fabric, but that was the last I saw of the project, and I just cannot wait to see it, I know it will be incredible.

I am just beyond thankful to all of the girls, and my mom, who have been working so hard to bring the Shower together. I am so thankful for the ladies who are coming, and I already miss those who won't be able to make it. It's only two days away and I know it will be fabulous. Connor is so blessed to have such wonderful women in his life already, and I'm so excited that he will meeting them soon.

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