Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Necessity is the author of change

Let me tell you a story about a sweet little VW Beetle named Daisy. She came into my life when I was a Junior in High School and I have loved her for a long time. Daisy kept me safe on long trips to Virginia, and always satisfied my desire for adventure. But alas, sweet Daisy will not be able to support me in my new role as mommy. Sadly, Daisy only has 2 doors and a very small trunk which is not conducive to the mommy lifestyle. Therefore Tim and I have been on the search for my next new adventure, otherwise known as my first "grown-up" car. I was so excited to find this wonderful addition which is a 2009 Nissan Rogue, and I can already picture little Connor sitting in the back in his car seat. I feel very safe in it, I love to drive it, and now all I have to do is give it a suitable name.

Also, here is a little glimpse of my "growth" at 23 1/2 weeks. You can surely see a bump! Tim and I spent the evening at BabiesRUs to start my registry and it was only a little overwhelming. How in the world is one supposed to know exactly which pacifier your child is going to like, or which swing will move the way your baby will best respond to. Let's be honest there are a lot of cool new things out there for mommies and babies alike but I feel sometimes we over complicate things. Why are there so many different types of changing pads and crib liners? It really makes one go a little insane and feel completely inadequate. I'm going to head to Target next, and for some reason I just feel like it will be so much simpler there. I just love Target!


  1. Ooooo, work it girl! Love the car and love the bump. You look GREAT!

  2. I could go with you to Target if you want me to. I do have some experience in the mommy area! Although there are many new things these days. I'm sure you'll pick out some great things.

  3. At risk of sounding very nerdy...I think you should name your car Anna Marie since that is the real name of Rogue from X-men (Disclaimer: I had to look that up, I didn't know off hand).
