Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,The fruit of the womb is a reward."
Psalm 127:3 New King James Version

Little by little as my belly expands, the reality of bearing this child is becoming more real. Today in particular has really been a day to reflect and praise the Lord for what He has done, and for what is to come. It has been so wonderful to be thought of today by my family and friends. The sweet cards I received in the mail, and the kinds of phone calls and texts have really made me feel special.

In a way I am already "mothering" this child inside of me. I am constantly aware of what I am putting into my body, because I know that every little detail is important, and affects the baby. Giving the baby enough nourishment and vitamins is my number one priority right now. I am also a prayer warrior for this little being. Praying for the now, praying for it's future, and praying for everything in between. Is it possible to already start worrying about all of the decisions they will make, and the scenerios they will encounter? I just pray right through it.

A milestone from this week was bringing home the gorgeous nursery furniture I found (on craigslist of all things). Seeing it set up in the room that will be the nursery really made it feel real in our home. In a few months there will be a baby resting peacefully (hopefully) in the crib. I enjoy going in that room just for a few moments to have some quiet, reflective time. I took a few pictures of the set, first is the high chest of drawers, and the second is the changing dresser. The crib is not set up yet, but I will add that picture when it is.

I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday. I think this may be the "big appointment" where we find out the baby's gender. No longer an "it" but a her or him. It makes me a little nervous to think about. The planning will go into full swing once that has been answered. I will surely post about it once we know.....right now I'm just enjoying today...I might go peek at that set again...


  1. Kristin,
    Happy Belated Mother's Day! The furniture is beautiful. God bless you and that precious little one.

  2. It will be beautiful when the whole room gets set up!! Then we can make the linens!
