Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anxiously Waiting

So I went in on Thursday to my much anticipated doctor's appointment....sadly they said we will be waiting another 2 weeks until we do the sonogram to find out the gender. TWO WHOLE WEEKS! That seems forever away. I'm ready to find out right this very second. My students are too, which I think is very endearing. They initially told me 3 more weeks, and I pulled the teacher card and wanting to tell them before school is over, and they conceded. While I'm on the subject of my doctor I must say, the office isn't my favorite in the entire world. I like Dr. Davila fine enough, but the office itself is not very nice, and the people working there seem a little jaded. Instead of being warm and welcoming to each person who walks in, they tend to be a cold and unfriendly. I'm sure I was totally spoiled by having first gone to Dr. Gellman's office (my specialist) where everyone there feels like family, but there's something in me that says it should be a little more special than it has been. I switched to the OBGYN when I was about 8 weeks, because the OBGYN I had seen forever didn't offer afternoon appointments. I asked around and Dr. Davila came highly recommended. Like I said before, I like her, but the office drives me up the wall, and everytime I go I promise myself I won't go back. I've got to figure out a better situation. I might just switch and go to her other office out in Pembroke Pines, it must be better than the Hollywood office.

I am officially in the last week of my fourth week starts my fifth month. WOW! I can definitely feel where my uterus is now up to my bellybutton. Pretty soon I think I will really be showing. As I sit here I am still in normal clothes, but I have started investing in some maternity pants so that I'm not floundering for something to wear when it does finally happen. I wore maternity jeans last night just to see what it was like....and I think it was too soon because they didn't really want to stay up. I pratically needed a belt! Tim says that defeats the purpose. HA! It is fun to shop for new clothes though. Tops are easy, because you don't even need "maternity" to find cute things that will fit. Pants are a little harder, but still possible. I went into the store Motherhood the other day...and I think it overwhelmed me a bit by the tent like outfits they offered. I might stick with other stores, and let me just say...who doesn't love Target? I'm including a few recent pictures.

This one is at 16 weeks.

This one is 17 weeks.
I'm a'changin'!!!

So, Uncle Casey (aka my brother) got home this evening!! I'm so excited that he's home for summer. Tim, Casey, and I form a trio to be reckoned with and I'm so glad that it's complete for the next few months. I'm thankful to be so close to my family, what a wonderful support system they are!


  1. I agree about the doctor's office. I would describe the office staff and lab technicians as not very professional. They are cold and impersonal. You would think they could hire some friendly people that would make the patients feel like people rather than an automobile on an assemply line. "Speed up the belt, speed up the belt!!"The actual physical facilities are pretty unremarkable, too. Not as fancy as Dr Gelman's office, that's for sure. There are options and I think the doctor needs to know how her staff is affecting the patients.

  2. You are so cute. I was definitely in maternity clothes by four months! I showed so early.

    I wanted to tell you that switching doctors mid-preg is not so fun. But if you aren't comfortable with the people it's probably worth it. I had to switch in the middle of my first pregnancy because we moved (to a different state), And it was awful. I didn't like the practice and I had little red warning flags about it that I just ignored, and shouldn't have. Things like the office staff wasn't very friendly. Everything worked out fine, but the second time around I found another Dr. that I like much better, and I just have to wave at them when I come in, and not even officially check in. It's a much pleasanter experience. Is the Dr.'s other office much harder to get to? If it's not that much of a difference, it is at least worth a try. Sorry to have rambled!

  3. I think you may show more in your "16 Weeks" photo than in your "17 weeks" photo. Maybe it's the top. Regardless, you're still tiny! Anyway, I'm so glad to be home!!

  4. I love the Gelman's!!! I am really good friends with Judi, his wife :)
