Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Friday, July 1, 2016

Kinzey Grace is Here!

On this day that Kinzey Grace turns two weeks old, we also remember that this was my Great Grandma Grace's birthday. Kinzey's Great Great Grandmother whom she takes her middle name from. She was such a special lady, and I can only hope that Kinzey inherits some of her spunk!

 June 16th we were scheduled to check into the hospital at 8pm. We sent the boys to the last night of VBS with Grandma Glenda, ran a few last minute errands, and made our way to the hospital.
The plan had been to start the cervidil that night, but upon further inspection we found out I was 4 cm dilated and 70% effaced. They still hooked me up to the monitors, the family came by for a visit before bedtime, and we were on pause until the morning. Though the nurse did inform us that I was having consistent contractions and the possibility of going into labor on my own was real. Grandma was on high alert.

 June 17th and 7am started the pitocin. Oh pitocin, it certainly moves thing along, especially when they up it every 30 minutes. I had met with the anesthesiologist the night before for him to walk me through the new epidural process since I was hesitant about it after my scare with Caleb. I was equally terrified of having pitocin and NO epidural, but I certainly wanted to try. I still think that's crazy.

At 8:30am the doctor came in and broke my water. Now the party was really starting. Consistent contractions every 2-3 minutes and lasting a good amount of time. By 10am the contractions were becoming much more intense and when my nurse checked me she said I was only at 5 cm dilated. Talk about a let down. I had been laboring, sans epidural, all morning and only progressed 1 cm. By this point my contractions were into the 100s and I was doubting everything about my plan.

At 10:30am I called the nurse to inform her I would like an epidural. We had plan where I would control the trigger and I was ready for some relief. She told us that the doctor was in with another patient and would be about 30 minutes. Can I say longest 30 minutes of my life? I may have said "mommy" a couple of times. I held Tim's hand on one side of the bed, and my mom's on the other. Casey hung out cheering me on!

I had given up hope that the doctor would come and at 11am she whisked into the room while I was in the middle of some of my most intense contractions. She wanted me to stand up so I could reposition on the bed and Tim physically had to lift me because I was laboring so hard. They dismissed my family and said it would be about 30 minutes to complete the procedure. At that point Grandma Glenda called Papa to pick up Aunt Kaitlyn, Connor, and Caleb to bring them over while she waited in the Family Waiting Area. At this time Daddy and Uncle Casey made their way to lunch. They figured it was the perfect time to put food in their bellies while not making me feel bad about my ice chips.

While I sat on the bed waiting for the doctor to set out her equipment I continued to labor. She then told me to curl around my pillow and lean forward with my shoulders relaxed. I cried out the nurse's name a few times and held her hand while my contractions actually started coming back to back with no relief between them. The doctor kept telling me I'd be fine once the medicine started running. She finished inserting the catheter and asked me to swing my legs around to the end of the bed to lay down. I told them I couldn't and the nurse offered to do it for me, at this point I was sweating profusely and couldn't stop. As soon as they positioned me to lay back down I informed the nurse "I NEED TO PUSH!!!!"

Mind you, the nurse did not check me before starting the epidural process....and when I go...I go. She was shocked, and calmly said she was going to check me when she discovered I was plus 2!!! Kinzey was crowning and no one was ready! People started running around at that point and I started asking for Tim. "Where's Tim!?" I rolled to one side, eyes shut, knees squeezed together, and ankles crossed. The nurse was frantically dialing my doctor, another was announcing to the family waiting area that Petersen was in labor, and another was running to get the midwife. The next thing I know my mom is holding my hand, I don't actually ever remember looking at her, and telling me that Tim would be there soon...he went to lunch. I remember a lady all robed up ready to deliver my baby, and then I remember a hot hand on my already sweaty forehead telling me, out of breath, that he was there, that he made it. Ok, Daddy was in the room, I could uncross my legs. As I was placing my legs up on the platforms my doctor came running into the room, threw her purse on the couch, and in one swoop got into her gown. She looked at me and said push, and it one short exhale little Kinzey Grace made her way into the world. It was 11:21am. The epidural never got turned on. The pictures of the beautiful chaos are amazing.

Princess Kinzey was 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. She was my lightest baby, but my longest.
When they delivered her they discovered a perfectly formed knot in her umbilical chord. My active little baby at one point had to have looped through her chord, and it got pulled tight when she was born. Everyone in the room wanted to have a look at it.

I just wanted to look at her and couldn't wait to have skin to skin time. I couldn't get over her full head of black hair, and how she is the spitting image of her Daddy. I'm so used to my clones that this little dark beauty is such a change.

Everyone was there JUST in perfect time, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Miss Kinzey gets to share her birthday with Papa.

It was a pretty intense morning. Everyone got to have their snuggles before I even got moved to my permanent room. Connor thinks he was the "first" one to hold her because Mommy and Daddy don't count. Caleb wasn't so sure at first, but now you can't get him away from her. Both boys dote on her hourly, and it's so sweet it would give anyone watching a cavity. She MUST have her blanket, she MUST have her paci, and don't worry, they will tell you if they haven't held her for the day. Connor can sit with her and be happy for a while....Caleb's attention span is about 30 seconds and then "all done". Both love to give her kisses!

I love that we had everyone around for her arrival. It was so special to share those days together as a family and also know that Connor and Caleb were in good hands. The transition from 2 to 3 has been interesting, and there is definitely a learning curve, but we're figuring it out, and thankfully we have help! We had many visitors while we were at the hospital, and even more since we've been home. The meals have been a godsend while we've dealt with bronchitis, viral, and sinus infections. It's always something when you have kiddos, but man, life would be so boring without them. We are now complete. Our little princes have welcomed their princess and she is pretty amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Dang! So you had pitocin, the epidural shot but no epidural, that's intense!! Those pitocin contractions are way more intense than natural ones. I solute you!
