Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Monday, February 6, 2012


Our sweet precious boy doesn't walk anywhere. He likes to run! He's wanted to run since he learned he had the ability to stand up. Any time he would watch an older kid race by he so desperately wanted to join in. Ladies and gentlemen, he has joined the marathon and boy does he sprint. It's been weeks now of trying to keep up with him. I'm not sure I'm in shape enough to for this stage! It's not quite an elegant run, (picture Frankenstein's monster disjointedly moving his joints as fast as possible) but he sure can move quickly. It is so cute though. His chin jutting out back and forth, his arms flailing about, and his little feet trying to keep up. He is all boy!
Connor also likes to dance and sing. I catch him singing to himself during play time and it just warms my heart. My favorite song is the "Mama" song, that sometimes changes to the "Dada" song, yet it is the most precious and special. It's just two notes repeated over and over again, but it is a Grammy winner for sure. He also has been dancing up a storm recently. He has his new "Chuggington" arm move that he picked up somewhere along the way, that changes to arms above the head and then swaying back and forth, sometimes accompanied by some foot stomping. It really makes me giggle! He likes to participate in our rehearsals at church, and I'd say "he's got the moves like Jagger".
The last visit we took up to Liberty we purchased Connor this great little t-shirt. I love it because it has a front and a back and he is finally big enough to sport it. We've got a future student in the the flames!

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