Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The First Haircut

We called it his "duck tail". This doesn't adequately show how every cute little tendril would all curl up together at the back of his head, but it's a pretty good shot with how long it was getting. What to do when you're little guy looks bald as it is? I did not want to play the part of Delilah, and take away the progress we were making with his mane. But, it was time to clean things up. So of course we want to make it memorable and I thought....what would be more special than mommy doing it herself?! No pressure.Where do we start? How do we keep him still? We need something to occupy him, we need something to try to save the little curls, we need steady hands, we need a miracle.
Whoooops, pull those scissors away quickly!

Actually he did really well. Aunt Kaitlyn was a a huge help as always, Grandma took pictures, and daddy filmed the whole thing. It is a little rough, but I'm happy with the outcome. The scariest parts were around his ears, and if I really want to get serious with those spots I will wait until he is fast asleep.
Happy Haircut Boy!

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