Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ba Ba Ba Ba

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

Crawling, talking, kissing, and going to the Museum, what a week! Infants learn things so quickly and it is amazing to watch him develop new skills at such a quick rate. My little G.I. Joe has mastered the army crawl and has thus learned how to terrorize every animal in sight. That is his motivation...Roxy, Molly, new kitten. If he can't reach them, he will call to them. His little shrieks are adorable as he tries to get their attention. "Waauuuhhhhh, uh uh, waaauuuhhhh," That means, "Hey Roxy, come here, I want to tug on your ear a little bit."

On top of shrieking for the animals he loves to shriek a "hello" and a "good bye". It's hysterical. He is babbling up a storm and his favorite repetitive syllable is "ba". You can get him going with "ba ba ba ba ba ba" and it turns into all sorts of sounds. I love his little voice. I love that he has something to say. I can't wait until I can understand it all. Will he be a poet? Will he be analytical? Will he debate? I hope he will learn to use his words to build others up, to be an encourager and a speaker of truth and wisdom. And if he's a little pun-y, I'd be ok with that too!!

Another new activity is the sweet, wet, open mouth kisses that our little love bug is giving. Yes, very different from his biting. The scary moment is when he reaches for your face, you wonder which one it will be for a millisecond before you relax into the heart melting, slobbery, sign of affection. Oooh, do I love this new development. It is adorable when he leans over and plants one on Roxy too. Ugh, what a cutie.

We had a wonderful Saturday and took Connor to the Museum of Discovery and Science. I wasn't sure how he would respond to this environment, but I have to say he loved it! The aquarium part was so exciting for him, and he tried to touch all of the fish that swam by. Daddy had an equally thrilling time and enjoyed the aviation exhibit. Daddy and Connor got to fly all sorts of planes, and Grandpa Gary already promised to get them both up in the air soon. Connor is already inheriting the legacy of flight from the Guise side. I hope he soars!

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