Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Monday, February 14, 2011

Doogie Howser

WHAT AN AMAZING 2 DAYS!!! My little Valentine has been advancing and reaching milestones at rapid speed. Yesterday, February 13, we discovered that all of Connor's noshing on things has not been baby curiosity, but actual teething. He's been putting everything in his mouth the past few weeks and the drool has been monumental, but we didn't think it was real teething. Surely it was too early for him, surely we just came through the "C" word, surely he's still overcoming reflux....surely he cut his first tooth. The dent in my finger as I removed it from his mouth was evidence enough, let alone the sharp pain that accompanied it. He has only just turned 4 months, isn't it a little early? His bottom right tooth is proof to me that he's advanced; a genius really. (ha)

Further proof of how amazing he is, he has officially figured out how to roll over. Mind you he does not do well with Tummy Time and always winds up screaming after a few minutes. Yet, yesterday he was Rocky as he rolled from his tummy to his back twice. We were showing Grandma how we did Tummy Time so well earlier, and bam, he was on his back. Our squeals of delight brought Tim running. Daddy missed the first we sat, Connor tummied, and waited, and waited, and waited. All of a sudden, bam, Connor was on his back, we were squealing and Tim had just looked away. Oh no! Tummy Time had already gone past it's time limit according to Connor's watch but we tried again and Connor was having none of it. Hopefully Tim will get to experience this amazing feat soon. With how excited we are you would think he tight roped the Grand Canyon, but he's a genius really!

Today was his 4 month well-baby check up. Connor weighed in at 15 lbs and 8 oz. That puts him right under the 50th percentile in weight. For his height he measured 26 and 1/2 inches which puts him in the 90th percentile. He is strong and healthy like ox. He was his charming self for Dr. Ayuso and she was so impressed by how he interacted and his interest in his surroundings. She said "he acts like a 6 month old, wow". See. I told you. Genius! :-)
I am one tickled mommy!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. I'm so glad I was able to see his first roll-over. What a wonderful little joy in my life!
