Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Friday, June 10, 2016

A Review Part 2

Another month gone by, and still needing to do a review. My oh my is everything moving quickly. 

March is always a big month in our family with 2 birthdays and an anniversary there is always a lot of activity. 
Here we are at 24 weeks with Miss K. When compared with Connor and Caleb at the same time of gestation Miss K is still coming in on the small side. 

 Connor got to sing in "Big Church" with the UpBeat Children's Choir. He always looks forward to it, and asks when he will get to sing again, or what the next song is going to be. These kids have had so much fun in our Wednesday night program, and it was such a pleasure to be a part of. All Guise-Petersen hands on deck!
 SIXTEEN CANDLES!!!! I'm still in awe that our sweet little baby girl turned 16 this year. Aunt Kaitlyn holds a very special place in the hearts of these boys and she is a shining light in our family. Coolest Aunt ever, and I think if Connor and Caleb could live with her, they would.
 Less than a week later, almost 25 weeks, and the bump is starting to show. It took much longer this time around, but she was worth the wait. After the surprise of it all, it was nice to finally look pregnant.

 Our March Disney Trip was all about Star Wars, and Connor was thrilled!!!! We finally went to the Launch Bay and Connor had no problem with Kylo Ren or Chewbaca. To completely be the extreme opposite of Connor, Caleb decided he wanted nothing to do with Kylo, and screamed an unbelievable ear piercing yell the moment he was introduced to Chewbaca. He shook like a leaf the entire time he was near, though he was finally completely at ease with Mickey this time and couldn't wait to smile with him.

 It is always a joy when the Collins' are home and the kids had such a blast playing at Jack's birthday party. Our wolf pack is pretty great, and I love when we can all be together. The way our kids play blesses my heart!!

I got my feet wet this year helping to plan a huge event with our Ministry at church called the Easter Eggstravaganza. 100,000 Easter Eggs, 3 hunts, bounce houses, petting zoo, and over 1,700 families (not individuals) I would say we worked our tails off! The kiddos had a blast and I still have eggs showing up out of nowhere around the house. I think this was Caleb's first time on a pony, and Connor couldn't wait to hold one of the bunnies. You can see me in the middle of the field about to release the masses, and I was just thrilled to hold a little piglet!

Easter 2016 found us waking up bright and early before heading to church to find out what the Easter Bunny delivered. We spent the afternoon at Grandma Glenda's house where we had our annual hunt and the Small's even joined us for supper. It was a beautiful day, and it's always fun to dye and color eggs no matter how old you are! 

We got a little peek at Little Miss the very last day of March for my sugar test. She's 28 weeks here and it was so neat to see her little face and watch her move and wiggle on the screen. She even opened her mouth real wide like she was trying to sing, or yell, you know, whatever. 

March also found us with 2 separate trips to the ER....not for Connor....for Caleb. Our first trip was when he tried to get off of one of the metal benches at the baseball field and broke his fall with his face. Lots of blood, and yet by the time we got to the ER he stopped bleeding and was starting to act normal again. We decided it was a split frenulum like Connor did around the same age, and left to go home. We followed up the next day with the pediatrician who confirmed and asked us to follow up with the dentist, which we did. The second trip, a week later was when Caleb decided to jump off the little trampoline onto the ottoman at Grandma's house and landed on his face....again. This time a deep cut next to his right eye that certainly needed attention. They glued him right up at the hospital and that gave us a second Easter with Caleb and a battle wound. I'm telling you, he's our bruiser. My new motto wherever we go now is....please no ER trips!!!


 A little ice cream at Beaches and Cream before Caleb got his very first haircut on Main Street USA was a perfect start to a very big weekend at Disney. Daddy and Connor had been training for about a month for a very special race, and it was a complete surprise to him!!!


 Daddy and Connor competed in the First Annual Star Wars 5K at Walt Disney World and had a blast!!! It was so special for all of us to be there to cheer them on, and Connor did an outstanding job! He was averaging about an 11 minute mile, and they stopped and waited in line a couple times for pictures at special locations. Connor ran as Darth Vador, light saber and all, and Daddy ran as his backup Stormtrooper. I happily made Daddy's shirt using puff paints, as well as Caleb's matching onesie, and Grandma hemmed up Connor's pants so they were shorts instead of long. Such a great memory!!

 We spent a little extra time in Orlando that weekend to have a quality evening with Aunt Heather who was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She requested Hoop-de-doo Revue and we all jumped on board. My sweet Heather. It's been a roller coaster, but she has been an amazing example of grace and fortitude.

 Our first TBall game back from two separate weekends at Disney, Connor got the game ball. We missed team pictures and getting his baseball card. But family time comes first, and it was so worth it! Connor is so lucky, because at each game he has a faithful cheering section. Papa and Grandma make a special point to be at every single game, and it is amazing to me to watch them love him and Caleb. What lucky boys!

 Here is Miss K with her biggest fans at 31 weeks. THEY are obsessed! I get lots of belly kisses and rubs and whispers all day long. This is one lucky little girl!!

 We also currently have a little boy who wants to potty train himself. He tells me all the time when he needs to go potty, or when he wants his diaper changed. 18 months old and ahead of the game! I'm totally ok with this, though he's trigger shy when it actually comes time to doing anything. We'll get it...all in good time Caleb, stop trying to grow up so fast!!

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