Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Caleb is 6 Months Old!!!

 Wow! Just wow! Has it really been 6 months? I still think I just had a baby, and now I have to start thinking about a 1st birthday! It's going way too fast. How do I slow this down? I think we've just been so busy, that life is happening. That constant progression of continuously moving forward happens, even though you want to act like a two year old in the middle of an "episode" and drag your feet just a little. I want to soak up all of the moments because they are so precious.

This month has been rather eventful. After coming back from Spring Break we had a little accident involving a baby slide at the park and gravity. Thinking Caleb was safer on his big brother's lap he wound up with a fracture to his tibia. To say I was shaken up when Grandma brought him to my school so we could got to the ER is an understatement. His little cries broke my heart. He was a champ during the X-rays at the hospital but they released us saying it was a "crush injury" and to follow up with a pediatric orthopedic doctor. I could tell something was wrong because he continued to hide it and would not put any pressure on it at all. Sure enough the doctor confirmed it was a fracture and they were going to put him in a cast. Connor picked the color and we immediately drafted Caleb onto the Red Sox. 

We finally decided to let Connor draw on Caleb's cast and he wrote his and his brother's names and drew a picture of himself "carrying his brother". Be still my heart! The cast was super cumbersome and I know it made him uncomfortable at times, not to mention trying to keep in mind when cuddling him up with me at night. Bathing was....interesting, and trying to keep a child from sweating in Florida is nearly impossible. When we went to Disney we bought multiple fans to attach to the stroller and created a wind tunnel for him. It was hard for him to have any play time since he couldn't be in his walker, and he certainly didn't want to be on his back all the time. We ended up with a child in our lap 24/7. 

Everyone was excited when he was able to get it off on Tuesday! Just in time for his half birthday! 
 He really is our little angel baby. Caleb has 2 teeth, eats like a champ (bananas and carrots so far), sits easily, and so desperately wants to stand. He is always happy to be in his walker so he can be in the middle of whatever big brother Connor is doing, and loves to give big wet slobbery kisses to his family! We cannot believe how fast 6 months have gone by. Last night was a little bit of a rough go, and he still hasn't slept through the night so we are totally ready to sleep a little! Caleb is so rarely irritable, and smiles so easily at anyone and anything. He thinks Roxy is super cool, and reaches out to touch her when she comes near him. His babble consists mostly of "mamamama" and some "eh eh ehs" when he's trying to talk to Connor. Connor loves to tickle him, and I'm sure it's because his squeals of delight are infectious. I love how they love each other.

The Stats:
16.3 lbs (25th percentile)
28 1/4 inches ("almost off the charts")

The Quotes:
"My is he handsome."

"He's a beast, he is super strong."

"Look at that head!"

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