Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Week of Bliss

Look at that big boy sitting up my himself!!!! He's getting stronger and stronger EVERY DAY! He's even starting to push up on his hands and is scooting backwards during tummy time. I hear this in the normal progression towards crawling....oh my gosh, crawling! Didn't I just have him? Didn't we just bring him home from the hospital? Is it really time to babyproof? He's going to go off to college before we know it, maybe next week at this rate! When are we supposed to do FAFSA?

This past week was my Spring Break from school and it was amazing. Having all of the Guise kids on Spring Break was just icing. I finally was home, for an extended length, with Connor without dealing with the "c" word, jaundice, and choking episodes. We spent a week of blissful mommy-Connor time, and the bonding time was priceless. What a precious gift I was given in him. He is certainly a full time job, and I think the salary is so very tempting!

During Spring Break we celebrated Kaitlyn's Birthday, with a party, Casey's Birthday, and our 4 year Anniversary. What a week! Throw a Bridal Shower in there for my dear friend Heather and you can call my life a carnival ride. Somewhere amidst all of the excitement I developed a severe cold/Sinusitis and found myself going to the doctor's office today. My party favor from that was a shot and a prescription! I've seen better party favors...hopefully they will make me better, mommy's just can't get sick!

Major milestone of the week was placing Connor in his own crib to sleep at night. He has officially been sleeping in his room and in his crib for a week. It's been hard for Tim and I to adjust to, but Connor has done fine! The random sounds coming from the monitor keep me alert and awake, but I'm sure I'll get used to them over time. I just keep telling myself there are no aliens in Connor's room, I think I've seen "Signs" one too many times. That also means "Paranormal Activity 2" is certainly off of the list. Make that any movie about little ones that has any slightly scary or sad twist, and that now includes "Hook".....the carriage rolling away from mommy just gets me. Oh gosh!


  1. I'm not kidding: These three photos need to go in a triple-picture frame. Do it. Don't wait. Just do it. I expect a picture mail showing me the frame with the three photos.

  2. I hope you feel better real soon. Yes Spring Break was WONDERFUL. So glad you got to be a full time mommy for the week. The summer will be even better!

  3. I agree with Casey. Conner is so adorable.
