Baby K Maternity

Baby K Maternity

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Caleb: One Month Old

A post by daddy:
 It has been a full month since our little man Caleb joined our family.  It has been a fun month.  I was lucky enough to be able to stay home from work for two weeks after Caleb was born.  I am grateful for this time because I got to spend a lot of time with both my boys just being dad.  Although I am having trouble calling them by their correct name (I am now simply calling them Big Buddy and Little Buddy), this past month has been great.  Several people I spoke with prior to Caleb’s birth told me that they found the transition from 1 child to 2 was more difficult than going from 0 to 1.  Knock on wood, to this point I don’t feel the same way.  I feel that our first month as a family of four has been a relatively easy transition.  It helps that Caleb has been sleeping a little better than Connor did/still does.  It also helps that we had a better idea of what to expect and how to deal with any issues we might face.  But most of all, I think the biggest factor is how well the two boys get along.

 We began prepping Connor to be a big brother immediately after we found out about Caleb.  We were confident he would respond well but were still unsure of what would happen when Caleb came and started garnering a lot of attention.  Thankfully, my Big Buddy wants nothing more than to dote on my Little Buddy.  Connor always wants to sit next to Caleb and asks constantly if he can hold “his” baby.  When Caleb cries, Connor is often the first one on the move to make sure everything is ok.  My favorite is when we are at the store; Connor always looks first for a toy for Caleb (before settling on one for him as well).  When we put the car seats in the car, Connor and Caleb were separated by the middle seat.  This was no good for Connor…”but mommy, I can’t reach him to hold his hand.”  Obviously, this didn’t last long and Caleb’s seat is now securely in the center right next to Connor.  Every time we drive anywhere as a family, a quick peak in the back seat reveals Connor holding Caleb’s hand as the both do their thing.  It is my prayer that as Connor grows, he always remembers that the bond he has with Caleb is one like no other.  He will always have a built in best friend.

 Well, its pageant season at FBC Ft. Lauderdale.  This year, a mere four years after Connor made his debut as Baby Jesus, he is back on stage singing “Happy Birthday Jesus.”  He has worked very hard to get to this point and we could not be more proud of him.  To make things even better, Caleb is following in the steps of his big brother.  This year, Caleb too will be playing the role of Baby Jesus.  Although Caleb didn’t have to work as hard as his big brother to be cast, we are still proud of our little guy.  The final dress rehearsal was last night.  This was Caleb’s first time on stage and it was awesome.  It brought me back to all the emotion I felt when Connor was used in this role.  It truly is amazing watching both my boys perform in roles that will be used in a manner that will bring glory to God and souls to Heaven.

 It’s been one month since our family became four.  In that month, I have experienced God’s blessing more than I could have wanted or expected. It isn’t always easy but my heart is most full when my arms are too.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

2 Weeks with 2 Boys

I am a mother of two. That is the strangest statement. It is still surreal and a bit of a blur. Those days of living at the hospital flew by, and very quickly we were home and learning a new routine.

 We brought Caleb home from the hospital on a Saturday afternoon. It was so cute because Grandma had taken Connor to his t-ball game and they came straight to the hospital from there. We were ready to get home, though we had the best nurses in the world at the hospital. We really lucked out.

 I couldn't believe the moment I sat down to take a picture of Caleb with the sign I made him and his home from the hospital outfit, he cracked his first smile and I snapped as fast as I could. I didn't realize I hadn't framed it perfectly, but it has his perfect little smile and I love it! His first day home and he's already smiling. He continues to smile every day; usually right after I nurse him, which is hysterical because it's milk induced.

 I also set up a little photo session a few days after having him home and I'm thrilled with the pictures I captured of my two boys. Connor is head over heels for his little brother. It is amazing. He wants to hold him all the time, and will come running whenever he hears a cry come from Caleb. He insisted on having Caleb's car seat moved closer to his and holds his hand when we drive anywhere in the car. We surprised Connor at pickup time yesterday from school and he kept saying "this is my baby" and "did you see my baby?" It was so heart warming. Connor has had major night terrors with this transition, but boy does he go gaga over his brother during the day.


 Of course because it is October we had to have our pumpkin patch visit. We went to two. It was so nice to get out of the house!!!!

 Caleb's first holiday was the same as Connor's....Halloween. The two cuties went has Captain Hook and Mr. Smee respectively. Connor had a blast, and wanted to trick or treat for days after. Caleb on the other hand enjoyed being in the moby while we walked around with Connor's friends (Isla and Lola) and then spent time with Grandma while we did her neighborhood.

These past two weeks have been a dream. I keep waiting for the shoe to drop. Like it's not possible to be this way. Connor's newborn stage was a little traumatic. Ok, a lot traumatic, and I would be lying if I said I hadn't been scared about this time around. So far, I have to wake Caleb up at night to feed him, I'm able to set him down to do things, and he only cries when he needs something. It is a very very different experience. He nurses like a champ, and at his doctor's appointment today weighed in at 8 pounds and 5 ounces. We had a minor jaundice scare at the very beginning that turned into receiving a billy blanket and promptly giving it back the next day. We nursed on demand, took walks outside, and went through a million diaper changes and got rid of it ourselves. We went on our first family excursion to vote on Thursday, then the grocery store, and finally Chick-fil-a. It was awesome! We went to Knaus Berry Farm yesterday, and Connor and Caleb took naps together holding hands in the back seat.

Is this my life?