It took a little convincing and maybe some therapy to get our little one back in the water this summer, but I can confidently say we have our fish back. My goal this summer is to really have him kicking and paddling without the crutch of a floating device. He is certainly strong enough so I know he can do it!
The last week of May saw me at my 18 week mark. There have been no moments recently to really stop and rest so it's been full steam ahead. The last 3 weeks of school were extremely stressful with activities/awards/concerts/end of the year closing and being one of the coordinators sees me running all over the place. Thankfully we had a day to hit Serendipity which is a happy place for everyone and most memorably one of my classes threw Caleb a baby shower. It was so special and so sweet, and I will never forget the kindness and love we both received from that class. What a blessing in weeks of chaos.
The weekend before the last week of school we decided to throw in a Disney trip. I mean, why not? The new Seven Dwarfs Mine ride had just opened, and it was the perfect excuse to fly Casey home and take a trip.
The ride is adorable and we really lucked out with how the line worked out in our favor. Actually, Daddy, Aunt Kaitlyn, and Grandma all rode it twice. Connor wasn't sure at first but the line being interactive and fun made him less weary. He thought the ride might be too fast for his liking when he heard each set of riders "wahooo" as they took off. I assured him it would be fun and when it was all over he was "wahoo-ing" too.
The three of us had gone to Ohana for breakfast the last trip we took up to the happy place, but we thought it would be fun to take everyone there this time. You can't beat the skillet of yummy food and visiting with Mickey! Plus the conga line of kids running around the restaurant add to the festive morning atmosphere. Totally worth waking up early!!
Friday I had my 19.5 week sonogram and Daddy, Connor, and I got to see some wonderful pictures of our handsome little guy. They did a complete check of his entire body and I held my breath as I remembered Connor's cyst. Thankfully everything looked absolutely perfect and there is no need for concern over anything! Praise the Lord! He was measuring pretty consistently at 20 weeks and I'm crossing my fingers he's not going to be as big as his daddy when he's born. I just couldn't imagine!