One fun evening activity we enjoyed this week thanks to the Rainer's was going to a Marlin's Baseball game with Jenn and Joel Collins. We had terrific seats right in front of the bull pen and that's what kept my attention most of the evening. It was fun getting to watch each pitcher warm up before they were called out. At one point before the game started the catcher threw a ball right to us and Tim caught it. Yay, we have another thing for little Connor's Red Sox themed nursery. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are about to go all out Red Sox for our sweet little boy. After taking him to his first baseball game in utero I can say his daddy is already planning subsequent trips to different ball parks in the near future once he gets here. I hear the Red Sox are coming down for Spring Training in February...
Another fun activity that we had this week was a beautiful baby shower for my dear friend Sarah Rainer. She is expecting a bouncing baby boy, Nathaniel, in August. It has been really amazing to be pregnant at the same time as some of my friends, some near some far. To be able to reach out to these girls and compare notes and feelings and experiences had been invaluable. As I sat there and watched Sarah open up all of her great presents I could feel the anxious bubbles building up inside of me, and no it wasn't Connor doing back flips. First, I need to get serious about what I need for baby Connor (ie a registry). Second, I need to get started on his nursery. Third, I have to put together some great lesson plans for when I'm on maternity leave. I know it will all work itself out, but up until now I haven't really had the time to think about any of it. I certainly have the urge to nest and it's starting to give me anxiety because I can't start just yet, not until Tim can help out, and he's alllllmmmmoooossstttt done with his MBA. When his classes start to ease off, he's all mine. While Sarah was opening all of her gifts, she did such a great job describing every item, and expressing what each is used for at what time in development. Haha, I need to do my homework.
One of my favorite things that happened this week was in the form of a sweet surprise from my incredible husband. I had mentioned to him only once about these very cool speakers that you attach to your belly to pump in music to the baby. I just thought they were the neatest thing. Well, he surprised me with a pair and little Connor and I have been enjoying this new form of stimulation. This little guy certainly jumps around to certain songs, and I love having another way to connect with him. Here is what Tim got us